The Best Quote - Happiness

Happiness comes from deep inside our heart. If you put your hope on others, then be prepared to be left, be prepared to be betrayed.
We will be happy if we accept, love and respect ourselves, and want to accept others.

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Saturday, November 17, 2007


Expectation? What is actually an expectation? It's a bit hard to describe. But, the simplest thing that I could say, "expectation is anything that you want or hope."

I'd like to discuss about expectation. I believe that every single person in this world has expectations starting from simple one to a very complex one. A simple expectation could be to have a decent meal or specific meal.

Do you think that all of your expectation would come true? I don't think so. I believe that every single person in this world ever experience a bad situation where your expectation came short and can't be fulfilled.

When you're in a situation where your expectation can't be fulfilled, you feel that you're suck, you feel that you lost, etc. And everything is to make you down. You feel that you're one of the useless person in this world.

So, should we avoid to have any expectation in this world? Would that be possible? I don't think that it is possible. I believe that we need to have an expectation to be alive, to feel great, to feel accomplishment, etc. Without any expectation, your life would be bored, unfulfilled, and unalive.

What should we do toward the expectation? I still suggest that we should try our best, fight our way to fulfil the expectation. And believe that all of your expectation could be fulfilled.

If it is not, then it's you who should sort it out. I don't say that we should surrender and feel bad. But, we should accept it. We could try our best, but it doesn't mean that all of your expectations should be come true.

We must feel grateful in every occasion. Cherish every single moment. Live hardly.

I believe that what matters in this world is how we face the problems; not what are the problems.

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